Awesome! We are currently offering FREE sponsorship on a month-by-month basis! We are very new to the blogosphere and we love sharing old and new blogs with our readers! The only catch is to have our button on your blog as well.
Add Sizes:
Free sponsorship is subject to change in the future. I would like to keep this free as long as possible. I will only place buttons on my blog if they are blogs I truly believe in and would personally read and/or follow. I would prefer buttons/links to blogs that are similar to mine and that will meet the likings of my readers. **No blinkies please!!
I reserve every right to remove any sponsorship at ANY time for ANY reason I see fit. This is not likely, so no worries; but if I feel your blog is not a perfect fit, I will remove your button at any time.
Please email me at autumnbalmbotanicals {at} gmail {dot} com if you are interested in swaping buttons! I would truly love to hear from you!
Here are some stats for you as well...
As of 12/29/11...
Total Pageviews: 2860 (up 960 views since last month!!)
Pageviews last month: 905
Followers: 17 via Google Connect; 3 via Bloglovin'
Where we've been featured and/or reviewed...
Talk2thetrees Blog
The Nearsighted Owl Blog
Humble Pie Vintage Blog